Tuesday, May 20, 2014

TOW #27

TOWs used: TOW #2, TOW #10, & TOW #26

As I read back on my TOWs I noticed how slightly and slightly less structured by the requirements they were and more independently they answered the assignment. There became less of a fear to stray from the organization of author, purpose, audience, devices, context, and effectiveness. I was able in my most recent TOW to synthesize the reading I had done and combine it with personal style in order to create a more mature tone. When I wrote my first TOW I literally identified each element of the assignment in order to make sure I effectively covered all aspects of what was required and now I can do that by just reading a piece. If I am to identify something I have "mastered" I suppose it would be synthesizing. This is simply because I have learned how to tie things into a larger "So What?" question and forced myself to answer that within each response I write. This made it easier to tie things back to a larger picture and understand the texts I was analyzing better. I have definitely mastered questioning the "So What" of each text, I would not go as far as to say I have mastered answering that question. Something I struggled with in this class from the beginning was the identification of 3 solid rhetorical strategies in analysis texts. While I have learned that it is possible to write an essay identifying only two devices, I still sometimes struggle to cohesively cover the entire piece with only two devices. This is I am be faulting to my previous english schooling that had conditioned the idea that there must be 3 supporting body paragraphs to each essay. This was very hard to reteach myself not to do and simply write with the overall purpose in mind instead of just the strategies. This greatly improved my writing but I can definitely strive to do better with creating my own writing structure rather than follow a formula. I personally missed a lot of these assignments and was forgiven of them entirely for the third marking period so I do not have the strongest stance towards their benefits. However, it was helpful to practice with these mini essays and I do think it helped prepare me overall to do well on essays for this class and the exam as well.

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