Saturday, January 18, 2014

TOW #10

Homless Polar Bear "Need more ice not oil"
The above picture was found on Google images and is named homeless polar bear "need more ice not more oil". The growing necessity of the government's participation in the effort against Global Warming is the issue being addressed. The "polar bear"shown is a protestor dressed in a slim, dirty polar bear suit in a trench coat holding a sign that reads "Need more ice not more oil". The protestor is standing in front of the capital building in Washington D.C and is protesting for more environmental support by Congress. The polar bear is shown as dirty and homeless looking to represent the melting ice caps and vast loss of the creature's habitat. The detriment to the environment caused by pollution has a direct correlation to the fate of this species. Global Warming, or as conservatives call it, climate change, has melted thousands of miles of ice that the polar bear inhibits. Need more ice not oil is a direct shot at the priorities of Congress and the American government itself. This protestor points out that climate change is bigger than corporate greed of the oil industry or fueling a power source that is bad for the environment as well. By doing this it forces values and morality into the issue surrounding environmental conservation. It demands Congress to ask which is more important, the Earth's well being, or fuel and profit.  This is an appeal to pathos, and through allusion to a homeless person, condescending Congress' priorities, and candid sign, empathy and support of enviormental conservation is established.

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